All men are artists!
may 16 to may 19, 1996,
Espace Porte de Lyon, Dardilly, France

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Opening: The indispensable unity, Olivier Fenoy, France - the need for sacred, Ange Guibert, Quebec - Being more, Umberto Dell'Acqua, Italy.

Beauty, spiritual unity
 At the beginning of artistic creation, Tomàs Spidlik, Professor Emeritus of pontifical oriental Institute of the Gregorian University, Czeh Republic - Beauty saves the world, Michelina Tenace, theologian, Gregorian University, Italy - A spiritual reading of contemporary art, Marko Yvan Rupuik, painter, Director of the Centre Aletti de Roma, Slovénia.

Roundtable prepared by the standing committees of the Congress:
Medicine and health: The proper use of traditional medicines, Reynaldo Alvarado, pediatrician, Peru and Chile - Beauty and suffering, Bernard Devert, Chaplain of the cancerology Centre Léon Bérard, France.
Reception and prevention: Beauty in the humanitarian, Alain Michel, founder of Balance, undertaking humanitarian, France.
Architecture and quality of life: For a European culture, Erzebet Font Szendröné, architect and urban planner, head of the Department of Environment Department of the environment and rural development, Hungary.
Building the city together, Csernyus Lörinc, Chief architect of Scenger, Turi Attila , architect - Peterfi Ferenz, animator, Hungary - Heritage, a springboard for the future, Didier Repellin, Chief Architect for historical monuments, France.
Earth and rural world: Current affairs and contribution of peasant and rural cultures to civilization, Ya Mutuale Balume, delegate for Cooperation and development ( Lyon), Zaire.
Human labour: A happy company: Bertrand Martin, former CEO of New Sullzer Diesel, France.
Education and training: Youth and stress, Marie-Françoise Rigal, clinical psychologist psychotherapist, CNRS, France - The joy of being exceeded, Elisabeth Toulet, Director of the International Academy of Theatre for children, France - Give confidence, Henri Fabre, founder of a pedagogical Institute, France.
Art and beauty: Time to be and to create, Fidel Sépulveda, Director of the Institute of aesthetics of the Catholic University of Santiago of Chile - Music for all, Eugène Merlet, Capuchin, organist, founder of Pro Musicis, France - Debate with Patrice Giorda, painter, France - Testimony of Catherine Golovine, co-director of the  Dance Theatre in Avignon, France.

Cultural evening hosted by the delegations of different countries: voices and dances of Chile - Human and artistic adventure from Tourrines La Grosse, Belgium - Traditional dances, Dohnanyi String Quartet, from Hungary - The mysteries of the lower city, historical show and popular expression in Quebec.

Artistic evening: hosted by the Rainbow theatre and the vocal ensemble Le Quatr’un, France.